Stopping Cancer Early – The Best Possible Investment


San Jose Earthquakes and Avaya Partner Up to Support Canary

August 25, 2016

This moIMG_1081nth, employees from the Canary Foundation, Avaya, and the San Jose Earthquakes all came together to work on painting and decorating a fun and colorful playhouse!

IMG_1001The awesome finished product will be raffled off at upcoming San Jose Earthquakes home games in the Avaya Stadium. Raffle tickets can be purchased from the Canary Center booth before and during the games, which are on 8/24, 9/3, 9/10, 9/24, and 10/1.  At the Oct. 1 game, the lucky winner will be announced!  All proceeds from the raffle will go towards the Canary Challenge and, in turn, the Canary Foundation and its early cancer detection research and development.