Stopping Cancer Early – The Best Possible Investment


Posts Tagged ‘Clinical Trial’

Ovarian Cancer Early Detection: Screening at Stanford School of Medicine

February 7, 2013

On behalf of the Canary Center at Stanford for Cancer Early Detection and the Stanford Cancer Institute, the Canary Foundation is supporting the search for candidates to participate in the Novel Markers Trial Ovarian Cancer Screening Test. This is an important new research study looking at markers in the blood that may be used as an early detection test for ovarian cancer. If you fit the criteria, please consider joining the effort to reach the vision of living in a world of simple tests that identify and isolate cancer at its earliest, most curable stage.

ovarianawarenessCandidates are needed who fit the following criteria:

  • Healthy women
  • Ages 45-80
  • Have at least one ovary

If you are willing to donate one tube of blood and fill out a questionnaire once a year for two years, we’re looking for you! If you have three of the following risk factors you may qualify:

  • Of Ashkenazi Jewish descent
  • Never given birth to a child (this counts as two risk factors)
  • Never had a tubal ligation
  • Used hormonal contraception (birth control pills) for less than a year in your life

If you are interested in learning more, please contact the research study office at or call (650) 724-3308. For general information about participant rights, contact 1-866-680-2906.